April is PVA Awareness Month!
Thursday during our Boccia Ball event we had some very special guests show up to our event!
I had received a call the day before from Mandi who is the President & CEO of McCary Media Group and informed us that she and PBR rider Cody Nance and their patriotic voice Ryan Weaver would like to attend our event and meet everyone.
Cody is ranked 3rd in the world in the PBR and Ryan is also a veteran who lost his brother and brother-in-law in Iraq.
Before they were challenged in Boccia Ball, they announced our winners will get tickets to the PBR on Friday evening and tickets for the after party to anyone who wanted to attend.
We thought that was fantastic but it got even better! They presented the PVA North Central Chapter with a check in the amount $6,250.00 through the 2018 Celebrate America Campaign!! It was such a pleasure to meet each and everyone of them and we truly appreciate their support to our Veterans and organization!